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In keeping with our tradition of providing the best possible education and training in all aspects of pre-hospital emergency medicine, the Massachusetts Emergency Care Training Agency is proud to present the MECTA Moulage Team.


The Players:

Linda J. Gosselin

Mike Sholock

Brian McCann

John Marino Jr.

Chris Allan

June Poland

Will Poland

Steve Rice

Brendan Donahue

Brian Gilman

Additional Photos

Absolutely nothing will offer a better response from your

training or testing sessions!

Why Use Injury Simulations?

Who Needs Realistic Injury Simulation?

Years of participation in EMS and Disaster Response Training have taught us that people learn and test better when realistic injury simulation is used. The United States military have used injury simulation for years to train men and women in emergency medical care and response because it reduces training time and improves performance by reproducing disaster-induced psychological responses. The bottom line is, what can be experienced  will be learned and retained.


The MECTA Moulage Team was created out of the need for truly realistic injury simulation at a moderate price. We continue to improve our methods by researching and developing new techniques and materials to achieve that goal. Linda J. Gosselin, the President and CEO of MECTA, has been involved with Emergency Response and Disaster training for more than twenty-four years and has helped to train hundreds of Emergency Management and Emergency Services Professionals alike. With her expertise and vision, the MECTA Moulage Team has years of experience and dedication to the scenario based educational program.

Call 508 865-9710 or email us today for a site evaluation and scenario suggestion.

Moulage Team Sample Injuries

This scenario was a "Micro-Burst" at the high school in Shrewsbury, MA, with multiple casualties.  Moulaged patients were first moved to a triage area, and depending on the severity, were taken to..