Registered Massachusetts EMT - Basic
Advanced studies in survival and human/animal tracking - Tom Brown
Author, survival component of Wilderness Technician curriculum -
Initiated into and studied extensively under Une tribal/forest people-
South India
Instructor of macro pressure releases and compression tracking to
forest rangers and veterinary personnel for census and poaching
monitoring- India
Independent studies of 1st generation post tribal lifestyle, with
focus on shelter and cordage material- India
Lecturer/presenter on human survival strategies and material anthropology-
University level, domestic & abroad
Conducted numerous equipment less survival experiments in varied
climates and habitats- NE Hardwood forest, Rain Forest, Desert,
Winter/snow, Coastal
Author Hands on Nature Curriculum for inner city children- NYC
President of Canopy Media, producing medical and environmental education
videos and still media
Conduct micro and macroscopic analysis of Northeastern fungi and
provide census data for Audubon Society. Publish related photographs.