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:: Student Study Tips
Reading and Listening
Preview material before reading. Focus on headings, charts, highlighted terms, summaries, and other important items.
Keep homework questions, test materials, or course themes in mind while reading.
Learn how your instructor indicates what is important. If they repeat information, ask questions, or spend a lot of time on a topic, pay attention.
Ask questions and participate in class discussions. Nor only will you learn more and help others understand, but your instructor will likely appreciate your effort
Note Taking/Studying
Take notes in your own words, and use abbreviations, underlining, arrows, symbols, and other shortcuts.
Look over your notes regularly rather than waiting until right before a test.
Study breaks work best when they are planned, regular, and brief (5-10) min.
Study with a strategy. You may want to start with difficult subjects, tackle easy assignments first, or work in order of grade value.
Study a little each day rather than cramming right before the test.
Avoid studying with the TV, radio or other distractions; while you are hungry, or upset; or in poorly lit, stuffy, or uncomfortable place.
Distill your notes into a page or two of key facts, definitions, and reminders of important concepts.
Test Tips
Before answering a single test question, read all of the directions.
Be aware of time. Don’t spend too long on a single question, and focus on areas worth the most points.
Read all of the answers before choosing one, and don’t change your answer without a strong reason.
Don’t underestimate the value of neatness, punctuation, spelling, showing your work, and writing something even when you do not know the answer.
Make sure an essay answers the question, includes a clear thesis, and refers to related class materials.
Credits: Action Bindery