The Three Components of National Registry Continued Competency Program

NATIONAL Continued Competency Requirements (NCCR/NCCP)
National Continued Competency Requirements are determined by the NREMT Board of Directors based upon widespread input from EMS researchers, EMS physician and EMS provider stakeholders. The NCCR comprises 50% of the overall requirements necessary to recertify. Topics in the NCCR are chosen among the following: evidence-based medicine, any changes in the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, science-related position papers that affect EMS patient care, topics which cover patient care tasks that have low frequency yet high criticality, and articles which improve knowledge to deliver patient care.
The NREMT will provide the educational materials for this component to the EMS community as part of their mission to protect the public.
LOCAL Continued Competency Requirements (LCCR)
Local Continued Competency Requirements are developed and delivered at the local EMS level. LCCR represents 25% of the necessary requirements for all provider levels. The LCCR topics are chosen by local authorities (or State EMS Office, if applicable). These topics may include changes in local protocols, tasks which require remediation based upon a quality assurance system, and/or topics noted to be of importance based upon run data reported to the National EMS Information Systems from the local level. These topics are locally chosen and will likely be different for every EMS system in the nation.
INDIVIDUAL Continued Competency Requirements (ICCR)
Individual Continued Competency Requirements represent 25% of the needed education. For the Individual’s first ICCR, they may select any EMS related education. For following recertifications, NREMT's will identify what these requirements are based upon outcomes of a self-assessment guide (offered at no additional fee) on the NREMT website as part of the recertification submission process. The assessment guide will help providers assess their knowledge and remediate any identified deficiencies (over four core content areas). The specific assessment guide results are provided only to the individual EMS provider; de-identified, aggregate data will be provided to Training Officers and no actions will be taken to restrict practice or certification of providers who need remediation. If no deficiencies are indicated, the EMS provider may select any EMS-related education for their ICCR component.
Online Course Topics
Strokeest & Rate Disturb
Chest Pain
Central Nervous System Injury
Field Triage
Special Healthcare Needs
Psychiatric Emergencies
Immunological Diseases
Communicable Diseases
At Risk Populations
Affective Characteristics
Role of Research